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如果您也在尋找 [美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649 不彷到樂天商城看看呢!

廢話不多說,剛好為您整理了 [美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649 相關資訊 大家參考看看吧!

[美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649

[美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649

Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark

PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准!Builds Basic Concepts & Problem-Solving Skills forMath SuccessProduct InformationMighty Math Carnival Countdown teaches kindergarten 1st and 2nd gradestudents the concepts facts and thinking skills necessary to build mathconfidence and develop a strong lasting understanding of math! Entertainingactivities teach addition and subtraction place value sorting and classifyinglogic and problem solving equalities and inequalities basic geometry andearly multiplication and division. Learning and understanding math is fun withCarnival Countdown!Skills Learned Problem Solving and Logic Place Value (1’s 10’s 100’s) Addition and Subtraction Sorting and Classification Early Multiplication & DivisionActivities IncludeAdd Subtract Multiply and Divide at the Snap Clown CircusPile clowns in every direction and paint them different colors as you count andsolve arithmetic expressions.Explore Equality and Inequality台中廚房改建 with the Otter TwinsBalance laughs big and small at the Giggle Factory and learn the concepts ofgreater than less than and equal to.Sort Carnival Cars into Sets with Allison ElephantLearn about sorting classification and Venn Diagrams as you park bumper carswhere they belong.Play with Place Value at the Bubble Band's ShowMake bubbles go flying in ones tens and hundreds. Trade clusters of bubblesfor one of the next larger size.Windows Requirements Windows 95/98 Me 2000 XP Vista? 486/33 MHz or faster 8 MB RAM 5 MB free hard disk space 640x480 VGA monitor 256 colors Windows-compatible sound card & speakers 2X CD-ROM drive Macintosh Requirements Mac OS 7.1–9.2 OS X Classic mode 68040 33 MHz PowerPC? 25 MHz or faster 5 MB RAM (16 MB for PowerPC?) 2 MB free hard disk space 256 or more colors 2X CD-ROM drive

順便關心下時事新聞: (中央社法蘭克福31日綜合外電報導)彭博報導,德國5月失業人數減少程度超乎市場經濟師預估,失業率亦隨之降至兩德統一以來最低。 紐倫堡聯邦勞工局今天公布的數據顯示,5月失業人數經季節調整後減少1萬1000人,至269萬5000人。而彭博訪調分析師的預估中值為減少5000人。5月失業率也隨之降至6.1%。 歐洲中央銀行6月2日將在維也納召開貨幣決策會議,並評估歐元區目前經濟復甦情況。 繼歐洲央行總裁德拉吉(Mario Draghi)3月宣佈擴大量化寬鬆規模1/3至800億歐元(890億美元)後,並進一步調降存款利率至負利率後,歐洲央行貨幣政策料暫時按兵不動。 聯邦勞工局局長魏斯(Frank-Juergen Weise)表示,「勞動市場持續朝正向發展」。並指出,儘管季節性聘僱增加結束,失業率仍下滑。「就業成長強勁,勞力需求大幅攀升。」 報告顯示,德西失業人口減少8000人,德東失業人口減少3000人。 在德國第1季國內生產毛額(GDP)以2年來最快速度成長後,這個歐洲最大經濟體成長動能依舊強勁。1050531


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